Olive-grey, generally silty claystones with thin dolomite streaks (expressed on wire-line logs with a characteristic spiky appearance). Fossil fragments are common in lenses, lignite particles occur frequently. Dolomitic interbeds increase to the north. Towards the south, the claystones may become increasingly silty to sandy and the carbonate streaks and olive hue disappear gradually.
Outer shelf setting.
Conformably overlies the marginal marine barrier sandstones of the Upper Graben Formation (F03-03), the lacustrine to coastal Middle Graben Formation (F03-01), or the delta plain deposits of the Puzzle Hole Formation. The Kimmeridge Clay Formation interfingers with the Puzzle Hole Formation and the Upper and Middle Graben formations.
(slightly) Unconformably overlain by the glauconitic Scruff Greensand Formation, or any younger unit.