Start your feedback via BRO Terugmelding (in Dutch) if you have doubts about the accuracy of BRO registration objects in Subsurface data or in Subsurface models.
If you have doubts about the accuracy of the data, give us your feedback by using the BRO Terugmelding (in Dutch) form. You may start your feedback by selecting an object on the map and using the feedback button.
View the list with current reports on Subsurface models (in Dutch).
BRO DGM - BRO REGIS II - BRO GeoTOP - BRO Soil and Groundwater - BRO Geomorphology - BRO Water table Depth Model
What happens with your BRO feedback?
TNO assesses if the report is such that an accountable party can evaluate its content and will contact you if necessary. Next, the accountable party is notified of the report, so they could start their investigation into the report. This step may take some time (legal deadline is 16 weeks) and then you will be notified of the result.
There is no statutory resolution deadline for a report on a model. The accountable party may decide to process the report in a subsequent release of the model, but this is not mandatory. Until then, the report is registered with the relevant model.