Grey-green shallow marine fine-grained sandstones that are often intensely bioturbated. Glauconite content is generally high and locally spiculites are abundant at the base of the section. The sandstones may be slightly argillaceous and/or calcareous.
Shoreface to offshore environment.
The lower boundary with the Skylge Formation is marked by an increase in GR-log readings, resulting from the downward increasing clay content. The occurrence of the sponge spiculae at the base of the Scruff Greensand Formation may locally be taken as an additional criterion. The Scruff Greensand / Skylge Formation transition is associated with the Sequence 2 / Sequence 3 boundary sensu Abbink et al. (2006).
Generally conformably overlain by the Lutine Formation. The contact is diachronous. In the northernmost part of the Central Graben the base of the Lutine Formation is older. This upper contact is marked by a general rise in GR-log readings. In the southern Dutch Central Graben an unconformable upper contact with the Vlieland Claystone Formation (Rijnland Group) may locally be present.