Massive sandstone bed, or set of beds, separated by light to dark-grey mudstone intervals, at or near the top of the Epen Formation. The sands are grey, very fine- to medium-grained, fairly well-sorted, well-cemented, thinly-bedded (smaller than 2 m), stacked into bed sets of 10 to 25 m thick. Disperse carbonaceous matter is common, but coal seams are absent. A number of intercalated clay layers with marine fossils is observed locally. In some cases, these can be correlated with specific marine bands.
Turbiditic delta-front deposits, mouth bars, distributary-channel fills and associated overbank deposits. Intercalated fines reflect a combination of turbiditic and pelagic deposition. Marine incursions occurered into the predominantly lacustrine basin.
Placed at the base of the lowermost sandstone interval which is more than 10 m thick.
Placed at the top of the (uppermost) thick sandstone interval or below the lowermost coal seam of the Baarlo Formation.