Grey to brownish grey fine to medium sand, shelly, commonly coarsening upward. Locally, intercalated clay laminae.
Shoreface, nearshore (including breaker bar and runnel), beach and washover.
Commonly, unconformable contact with tidal sand and clay (Wormer Member, Naaldwijk Formation). Elsewhere, mainly offshore, unconformable contact with peat (Hollandveen Member, Nieuwkoop Formation), younger tidal sand and clay (Walcheren Member, Naaldwijk Formation), periglacial sand (Boxtel Formation), river sand and gravel (Kreftenheye Formation), marine sand and clay (Eem Formation), or till (Gieten Member, Drente Formation).
Offshore and on the modern beach, exposed at the surface. Elsewhere, sharp but commonly conformable contact with coastal aeolian sand (Schoorl Member, Naaldwijk Formation) or unconformable contact with clastic tidal sediments (Walcheren Member, Naaldwijk Formation). In former beach plains, locally covered with thin clay and peat (Nieuwkoop Formation).