
After selecting a specific model, the module Subsurface models starts with a view showing the spatial extent of the model and the locations of the boreholes that have been used to create the model.

By clicking on an individual borehole, you can visualise a borehole log. This visualisation shows different logs depending on the model selected.

Click on a random location in the model area to generate a visualisation of the model at that point. The synthetic borehole shows the vertical sequence of voxels (GeoTOP) or layers (DGM and REGIS II).  

By drawing a line on the map - for example along a dike - a cross section of the model can be visualised. Hover with the mouse to obtain information about the properties of a specific model layer or formation. Or you can generate a new visualisation of the spatial gradients of the top, base, thickness or hydraulic properties (REGIS II). All visualisations can be saved as pdf.