Formal (Weerts 2003).
Lithologische beschrijving
Dark grey to brownish grey clay and detritus, silty, partly distinctly layered with very fine sand. Locally, thick intercalations of medium sand derived from nearby coversand. Abundant ostracods.
Brackish-water lagoonal with deep eroding channels.
Definitie ondergrens
Sharp contact with organo-clastic sediment (Flevomeer Bed, Nieuwkoop Formation), tidal sand and clay (Wormer Member, Naaldwijk Formation) or coversand (Wierden Member, Boxtel Formation).
Definitie bovengrens
Sharp contact with lagoonal or lacustrine clay (Zuiderzee and IJsselmeer Beds, Naaldwijk Formation).
Dikte indicatie
Up to about 2 m.
Geografische verbreiding
In and around Lake IJssel in the central Netherlands.
Regionale correlatie
North Sea: not present; UK: not present; GER: not present; BEL: not present.
Holocene (Meghalayan).
Type section
Not yet determined.
Depth (thickness) AH:
Not yet determined.
Oorsprong naam
Early Medieval inland lake northeast of Amsterdam.
Vorige benaming(en)
Almere deposit (Westland Formation).
Gereviewed door (datum)
Wim Dubelaar (2018), Sytze van Heteren (2019).
Weerts, H.J.T. 2003. Beschrijving lithostratigrafische eenheid. Nederlands Instituut voor Toegepaste Geowetenschappen TNO. Utrecht.
Cite as
TNO-GDN ([YEAR]). Almere Bed. In: Stratigraphic Nomenclature of the Netherlands, TNO – Geological Survey of the Netherlands. Accessed on [DATE] from