Downloads and links

This page contains downloads of scientific literature and links to websites with additional information.

Scientific publications on stratigraphy of the Dutch subsurface

A collection of literature on the geology of the Netherlands and its surroundings in a broad sense is maintained in a RefWorks database.

Literature in support of the Stratigraphic Nomenclature:

  • Revised Upper Cenozoic stratigraphy of the Dutch sector of the North Sea Basin: towards an integrated lithostratigraphic, seismostratigraphic and allostratigraphic approach (Rijsdijk et al. 2005);
  • Revision and update of the Callovian-Ryazanian Stratigraphic Nomenclature in the northern Dutch offshore, i.e. Central Graben Subgroup and Scruff Group (Munsterman et al. 2012);
  • An updated and revised stratigraphic framework for the Miocene and earliest Pliocene strata of the Ruhr Valley Graben and adjacent blocks (Munsterman et al. 2019).

Nomenclature of Earth Science Terms by the Royal Dutch Society for Earth Sciences (KNGMG)

The KNGMG's five-language Nomenclature from 1980 can be downloaded from the Society's website.

The first edition of this nomenclature dates from 1929. The nomenclature was a great success and contained about 4000 terms. The main language was Dutch with a translation into English, French and German. In 1959, the second edition was published with the main reason that many new terms and geological insights were introduced in the intervening period. The main language was changed to English with a translation into Dutch, French and German. The number of terms increased to 5500. In 1980 the third edition was published. The main language was not changed, but a translation into Spanish was added. The number of terms increased to over 10,000.

Stratigraphic nomenclature of other European countries

International Commission on Stratigraphy

The International Commission on Stratigraphy is the largest and oldest constituent scientific body in the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS). Its primary objective is to precisely define global units (systems, series, and stages) of the International Chronostratigraphic Chart that, in turn, are the basis for the units (periods, epochs, and age) of the International Geologic Time Scale; thus setting global standards for the fundamental scale for expressing the history of the Earth.

The International Chronostratigraphic Chart can be found on the ICS website.